3 min read

Getting to Know Demulsibility

By Brad Bainbridge on Thu, Mar. 25, 2021


What is Demulsibility?

Demulsibility is the ability of oil to separate from water. Oil and water naturally separate because like molecules attract each other. Oil sticks with oil, water sticks with water. Oil is "hydrophobic", or "afraid of water," which is a benefit when it comes to fluids like turbine oil. 

Topics: varnish in hydraulic oil varnish in turbine oil contamination water in oil dirt Phosphate Ester diesel engine maintenance steel mills vacuum dehydration rolling mill lubricating oil filter housing sizing micro-dieseling thermal event ISO 4406 vacuum dehydrator fluid samples oil analysis metal analysis paper mill hydraulic pump samples COD duplex low-pressure gearbox contaminination hydraulic duplex high-pressure cellulose media filter elements filter comparison aluminum refinery lab
1 min read

Improving Rolling Mill Lube Oil Performance and Useful Life - Part 3: Solution

By Aaron Hoeg on Mon, Mar. 18, 2013

VUD Vac-U-Dry Vacuum DehydratorAt the end of Part 2, we discussed the winning nature of vacuum dehydration. If you missed Part 1 in the series, you can find it here

Did you know that hydrogen is the friendliest molecule - meaning that it is most likely seeking partners to attach to? Similarly, the suspended particles in oil actively look for particles to join forces, so they pair with the water. 

This particulate contamination is the catalyst guilty of continuing the degradation of the oil and the increase of emulsified water. The more water there is, the more oxidation that occurrs. This also increases various acids that form as the molecules break down. These acids attack seals, hoses, pumps and metal.

Topics: contamination iso cleanliness codes steel mills rolling mill lubricating oil vacuum dehydrator
2 min read

Improving Rolling Mill Lube Oil Performance and Useful Life - Part 2: Prevention

By Aaron Hoeg on Fri, Feb. 22, 2013

steel mills and oil performance

If you're just tuning in and didn't catch the first part of our steel mill and lube oil series, click here.

When we left off, we just determined how the high levels of emulsified water and high particulate contamination levels work together to cause bearing failure and reduce oil life. So, how do we prevent this expensive combination from happening? We're glad you asked!

Topics: contamination iso cleanliness codes steel mills rolling mill lubricating oil oil mills vacuum dehydrator
2 min read

Improving Rolling Mill Lube Oil Performance and Useful Life - Part 1: Quality

By Aaron Hoeg on Fri, Feb. 15, 2013

steel mill equipment and lube oil

Premium oils keep steel mills running. It's crucial to protect their quality in order to keep the mills fully functioning. 

In both hot and cold steel mill production, high-demulsibility lubricant is used for backup roller bearing lubrication. Some of these oils are referred to as SD, which stands for super-demulsibility. Not surprisingly, these SD oils are a premium product and come at a premium price. If a manufacturer wants to invest in these big-ticket oils, they obviously want to go to great lengths in order to keep them clean and fully functioning.

Join us for this three-part series as we take an in-depth look at improving rolling mill lube oil performance and useful life.

Topics: contamination iso cleanliness codes steel mills vacuum dehydrator


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