1 min read

Hy-Pro Vac-U-Dry Vacuum Dehydrator (VUD) Explainer Video

By Hy-Pro Marketing on Tue, Jul. 26, 2022

Contamination is Complicated; Removing it is Easy

Check out our latest product explainer video on Hy-Pro's VUD


The optimized balance between heat, vacuum, process design, and an easy, user-friendly operating system for removal of water and particulate from hydraulic and high viscosity lubricating oils. Equipped with generously sized, high-efficiency filtration, the VUD is the ultimate oil purifier. Keeping fluids clean and dry extends component and bearing life, increases productivity, minimizes downtime, and extends useful fluid life. The VUD is ideal for removing all forms of water, including free, emulsified, and dissolved water and gas from hydraulic and lubricating oils.


Topics: contamination fluid cleanliness vacuum dehydration vacuum dehydrator fluid contamination VUD cutdirtcutcosts hypro
4 min read

Four Ways Outside Contaminants Enter Your System

By Scott Howard on Thu, Apr. 15, 2021

Four Ways Outside Contaminants Enter your System

As an equipment owner or manager, the last thing we want to find in our system is contamination.  After all, contamination means loss of efficiency or even downtime, which ultimately costs time and money.  Contamination somehow always sneaks its way into our systems.  So, how does contamination get in our systems and what are we supposed to do about it?

Topics: contamination oil analysis breathers
1 min read

Hy-Pro's Product Spotlight: Compact Offline Filter (COF)

By Brad Bainbridge on Thu, Apr. 01, 2021

Hy-Pro's Compact Offline Filter

Our newest and smallest unit yet, the Compact Offline Filter is ableCOF_Group-2 to fit where no other filtration equipment can. Ideal for smaller systems or where a larger offline system wouldn't fit, this solution can be permanently installed or made portable for ease of use. 

Topics: hydraulic fluid contamination dirt Water Contamination hydraulic filters hydraulic and lubrication filter types Gearbox filtration new oil micro-dieseling fluid samples filtration oil analysis hydraulic pump filters hydraulic valve FSL liquid conditioning station duplex low-pressure oxidation Noria NSD hydraulic cellulose media compressor Reliable Plant filter comparison lube oil aluminum refinery conditioning turbine oil glass media
3 min read

Getting to Know Demulsibility

By Brad Bainbridge on Thu, Mar. 25, 2021


What is Demulsibility?

Demulsibility is the ability of oil to separate from water. Oil and water naturally separate because like molecules attract each other. Oil sticks with oil, water sticks with water. Oil is "hydrophobic", or "afraid of water," which is a benefit when it comes to fluids like turbine oil. 

Topics: varnish in hydraulic oil varnish in turbine oil contamination water in oil dirt Phosphate Ester diesel engine maintenance steel mills vacuum dehydration rolling mill lubricating oil filter housing sizing micro-dieseling thermal event ISO 4406 vacuum dehydrator fluid samples oil analysis metal analysis paper mill hydraulic pump samples COD duplex low-pressure gearbox contaminination hydraulic duplex high-pressure cellulose media filter elements filter comparison aluminum refinery lab
4 min read

Servo Valve Failure: A Video Case Study

By Brad Bainbridge on Wed, Jul. 10, 2019

Servo valves are a tiny but essential component of manufacturing processes. However, as you will see in the video case study below, servo valves can fall victim to failure due to excessive fluid contamination. Watch the video below to see how a tire plant in the south diagnosed and dealt with a servo valve problem that would have resulted in thousands of dollars of damage. 

Topics: contamination case study servo valves
6 min read

What to Look for in a Dissolved Metal Analysis

By Jennifer Yeadon on Thu, Mar. 08, 2018

Oil can be high maintenance. It’s not something you just dump in your system and forget about. You have to monitor it, manage it and oversee it. Just letting oil cycle through your system without routinely testing it is a sure ticket to equipment damage.

Topics: contamination oil analysis metal analysis
3 min read

Breathers: An Essential Part of Total System Cleanliness

By Brad Bainbridge on Wed, Feb. 21, 2018

Controlling the contaminant flow of your hydraulic, lubricant or fuel reservoirs is one of the simplest goals in achieving Total Systems Cleanliness.

Topics: contamination total systems cleanliness breathers
4 min read

Parsing Filter Media and Filter Element Types

By Brad Bainbridge on Thu, Feb. 01, 2018

In the fascinating and fundamental field that is industrial fluid filtration, there exist many types of filter elements and many different types of media. In this article, we will briefly cover filter elements and the most common types of media they're made up of. The medias featured below include: cellulose, glass, wire mesh and water removal, coalesce and resin.

Topics: contamination filtration filter elements
5 min read

[Video] Your Lab Reports Are Probably Wrong -- Here's How To Save Them

By Scott Howard on Tue, Aug. 16, 2016

When looking at a lab report, it is assumed the information on the report is accurate. A certified lab will not usually make an error in the report, but if so, it is obvious and easily fixed. Ever hear the saying "By the time the lab gets the report the error has already been made"? For the most part, this is true. Where people are led off course is believing the particle count on the lab report is the gospel. This is natural, but unfortunately not always the case with a bottle sample unless you already employ the techniques listed in the video below.
Topics: contamination ISO 16889 ISO 4406 samples video lab
1 min read

Download the Contamination Tool Mobile App

By Brad Bainbridge on Thu, Feb. 04, 2016

Have you downloaded our mobile app? It's an essential tool that allows you to calculate contamination levels even if you're away from your desk. All you need is your phone and this app!

The Hy-Pro Filtration Contamination Tool is now available for download on your iPhone or Android.

What can you do with Hy-Pro Contamination Tool mobile app?

With the mobile app, you'll be able to:

  1. Calculate the amount of contamination passing through system components annually by specifying current flow rate, daily hours of operation and ISO fluid cleanliness code.

Topics: hydraulic fluid contamination fluid cleanliness dirt hydraulic filters ISO Fluid Cleanliness Codes maintenance


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